Discover the Scientifically Proven Solution That Gets Your Baby to Sleep like Clockwork
It works even if everything else failed
Proven by 17,643 well rested parents (and counting)
Proven by 17,643 well rested parents (and counting)

It’s 2.59 in the morning. You just woke up. For the third time this night. You feel like a zombie – more dead than alive
And yet, you need to get up. Because someone’s little life depends on it

Hi, my name is Mary-Ann Schuler
And the next few minutes can literally save your sanity and maybe even your child’s life

Because not only will I show you a scientifically proven way to have your child enjoy restful sleep
I will also reveal why standard advice, like Ferberizing or co-sleeping , can cause long-lasting damage to your child’s nervous system
Damage that makes him more susceptible to anxiety disorders and even panic attacks later in life

Scientifically Proven Method to Get Your Baby to Sleep

The information I’m sharing here with you is entirely based on ground-breaking research done by Harvard Medical School and the Stanford Center For Sleep Science and Medicine , along with my over 20 years of experience as a clinical psychologist
But most importantly I am a mother just like you. And in this letter I want to tell you how the fitful sleep of my 3 year old sweetheart, Louis, led me to a discovery that has already helped more than 17,643 parents to finally enjoy the restful sleep they have been craving

Thousands of Mothers
Tried It Already
Tried It Already

People like Mary Olsen from Trinity, Florida :
“Hi Mary-Ann. I just wanted to say thank you. When I found your presentation I was so sleep deprived I could barely remember my own name
I think I spent at least 7 hours a day rocking little Ava to sleep. I felt so lost and alone in my sleep deprivation, I often started crying for no reason. I had tried all kinds of sleep training techniques and strategies without success. I was worried you’d talk about the same old but boy was I wrong!
Your information is clear, concise and straight to the point. Even better, it works! The proof is right here in my hands. Thank you from all of us.”

And Jennifer Williams from New York , who wrote this:
“Hey there, guess who’s sleeping in my arms! That’s my son Jacob who’d troubles staying asleep since birth
Your presentation has been a GODSEND to our family and literally rescuing me from the slippery slope of depression. Your step by step advice is well researched, nurturing and amazingly effective. After using your routine, Jacob was sleeping in 30 minutes
We were in complete shock and my husband even asked me what we should do now that we finally have our lives back. I don’t know how I can thank you enough!”
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