Text Chemistry: Use Texts To Make Men Love You - By Amy North

Text Chemistry: Use Texts To Make Men Love You - By Amy North  

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When it comes to love, you probably have the same set of ideas in mind. Flowers, candle lit dinners, holding hands and planning your happily ever after with the man of your dreams. Well that’s all cute and charming, before you can share those experiences with a guy, you need to make him fall in love with you.
Before you get all worked up or start panicking that this is a HUGE, seemingly impossible challenge, don’t. Stay calm, and believe me, this isn’t as hard as it seems.
That said, there are of course going to be situations or circumstances where the messages I share in this post will need adapting — I mean, you’re not going to text a man about a trip to Cuba if you’ve never left the country — but again, don’t worry. I’ll give you the templates then all you’ll have to do is personalize these to make them your own.
Before I get ahead of myself though, I do have to mention that there are some super important “rules” to keep in mind. Let’s use R.U.L.E.S. as an acronym to help you remember these pointers.


R – Re-read Your Message

Before you hit send on your phone it’s important that you read the text message you’ve typed up. Check it for clarity, spelling and tone. Read it at least five times; you’d be surprised how easy it is to overlook the simplest mistakes. Besides, if you send him a powerful message that then has to be followed up with a spelling correction or explanation, the original message you’ve sent is going to lose it’s bite. So don’t sell yourself short, read your messages before sending.

U – Use Visual Language

Now, when it comes to text messaging men and women are quite different from one another in terms of the types of messages they best respond to. See, while us ladies like getting messages that are descriptive and evoke our feelings, men on the other hand are visual creatures and respond best to descriptive messages that will let him easily imagine and feel the messages you’re sending. This means that you’ll want to use visual language. Let me give you an example. Instead of texting him, “I really want to kiss you right now,” you’d want to say something like “If I was there right now, my lips would be pressed so softly against yours.”
See the difference between the two? Take the time to add those details, they make all the difference.

L – Leave Him Wanting More

This one is pretty self explanatory so simply put, it just means don’t over do it. If you blow up your man’s phone with pointless messages, then he isn’t going to look forward to hearing from you. However, if you only send him well thought out, cleverly crafted messages, well those are the ones that are going to keep him hanging off your every word…. Or text rather. 😉

E – Excite Him (avoid boring messages)

I don’t know about you ladies, but there are few things that bother me more than the one or even two-word text message. You know the ones I’m talking about; “Hi” or “What’s up?” They make my skin crawl! Maybe it’s because they come across as lazy or give the impression that the sender is bored and only texting for their own entertainment, or maybe it’s because they don’t make me feel, well, anything really… asides from irritated.
Every message you send your man should be exciting. Now, I know this can be tough, especially if you have the kind of relationship where you communicate daily through texts, and share those little mundane thoughts and updates, but seriously, believe me when I say it’s time to stop. From here on out you want to make sure that every text message you send is captivating and exciting! I’ll touch more on this later.


S – Stay Positive

If you want to make a man fall in love with you by texting him, then the absolute last thing you want to do is send him anything that’s negative or depressing. Sure, you’ll have your not-so-great days, but even when those strike, keep your messages pleasant. While there’s a time and place for opening up and letting your guy in on those vulnerable thoughts and feelings, texting isn’t it. So, from now on think of your cell phone as your positive pocket sized device that only sends messages that express feel good thoughts.
With these RULES up your sleeve, you’re already on your way to texting your way into his heart. Now, let’s get to the good stuff, the texts to make a man fall in love with you.
